“To me, this song is about being in love,” Megan Bonnell says of her song “Off the World”, a song off of her new album Hunt and Chase. She elaborates further on this idea of love:
“Somewhere along the way you get lost in this love. You lose sight of yourself. You count on this person for everything. Eventually you come to the realization that you were wrong. That this person isn’t everything you thought they were. You decide to leave. The emotions set in around this conclusion; fear, anger, sadness, blame. In almost any breakup, you are plagued with indecision. The three sections of this song represent that. The love, the loss, and the departure.”
The video for “Off the World”, directed by Mitch Fillion, is a simple in-studio video of the song being played. “Off the World”, however, drips with emotional potency, making this stripped-down video powerful in its own way. Plus, it’s also nice to be able to see the actual notes and chords the musicians are playing; watching Bonnell play the graceful piano coda to the song up close and personal makes the music all the more affecting.
Hunt and Chase is out now on Nevado.