Hailing from upstate New York, the Parlor excel at the dreamier, more psychedelic side of indie rock and indie folk, channeling the likes of Mercury Rev and Animal Collective yet bringing their own personalities into the music also. Band masterminds Eric Krans and Jen O’Connor create a gentle, otherworldly sound on “Wishes in the Sheets”, from their forthcoming new album Wahzu Wahzu. Which so happens to have been mastered by Mercury Rev member Anthony Molina.
“‘Wishes in the Sheets’ is intended to emulate the moment when an idea first comes into being,” the pair says. “We sing in unison whisper — representing the moment when thoughts and creations are not yet fully formed, when ideas are wishes. Overlapping guitars, like waves of thought, create a Doppler effect. It’s the feeling of simultaneously being submerged underwater surrounded by inspiration, while also feeling it receding away from you. All things in their moment of conception are fragile and fleeting. Wishes are the nets we use to capture them in our hearts. ‘Wishes in the Sheets’ is a song about the two of us trying desperately to create together — in life, in love, in art — while death and doubt threaten our dreams. As a human race we are predisposed to not give up. Wishing is the beginning.”
Wahzu Wahzu will be released 18 September.