Chris Ingalls: “Lense” is the opening track from Motion Graphics’ upcoming debut album and it makes quite a startling introductory statement. Musically, it’s inventive and restless without sounding overly manic. The tempo is relaxed but the synths are bright, exciting and unique. On top of all the modern electronic bleating is a lovely vocal melody that manages to mesh well with the busy musical surroundings. The track manages to incorporate a duality that’s a tough combination to pull off. [8/10]
Pryor Stroud: Throughout “Lense”, Motion Graphics’ Joe Williams floats through a gossamer vocal melody that seems to be surrounded by the overgrown flora of a strange, alien landscape. As he sings, micro-eruptions of synthesizer noise — whooshes of living color that seem to be part machine and part organism — fly past him, threatening to knock him off balance and envelop his body. Yet even though he seems to be on some distant planet, Williams sounds defiantly vulnerable, like he’s demonstrating the depth of his humanity in a world that has no idea what being human means. [9/10]
Chad Miller: I love how this track starts off. The futuristic effects it employs create a wonderful atmosphere for the track. The vocals are more difficult to get excited about though. They don’t seem to fit into the texture all that well. [6/10]
SCORE: 7.66