
Saul Williams Commands Attention at Summerstage (Photos + Video)

Saul Williams played a free, powerful Summerstage show ahead of his appearance at Afropunk this weekend.
Saul Williams

Saul Williams may not directly challenge the status quo every day but an uprising is at core of his being. When he performed a free show for Summerstage in Marcus Garvey Park, Williams began his set late due to technical difficulties some of which continued through his set. However, with a simple stage arrangement, it was simply him and his a backup DJ/producer, Williams commanded attention at the park. When the music dropped out (due to audio issues?) he continued on and later, he inflamed the audience further from the crowd. With the lights low (and the sun down), Williams’ system challenging lyrics aligned with his MartyrLoserKing multimedia backdrop and allowed his message to be the center of attention. As an artist, a poet, an activist and more, Williams is steadfast on his principles and his music reflects his social and political views. Check out some photos and a couple of clips from his set below.

Saul Williams takes Afropunk’s Red Stage at 5 pm on Saturday. The full lineup and schedule for the Festival can be found here. Meanwhile NYC’s Summerstage series continues with shows including events for the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival this weekend.
