Music Reviews
Lady Gaga’s Creativity Is Trapped in Retro Sounds Now
Lady Gaga’s Mayhem shines a glaring spotlight on a wildly creative artist who finds herself behind the times, following trends instead of setting them and seeming out of step.
Music Features
Ellen McIlwaine Was a Goddess Ahead of Her Time
Director Alfonso Maiorana talks about music pioneer Ellen McIlwaine, who raised the power and profile of female musicians, and how she achieved her hard-earned “goddess” status.
Ellen McIlwaine Was a Goddess Ahead of Her Time
Director Alfonso Maiorana talks about music pioneer Ellen McIlwaine, who raised the power and profile of female musicians, and how she achieved her hard-earned “goddess” status.
The Penguin’s Means, Ends, and Morality
‘The Penguin’ compels us to interrogate our morality: do we treat others in our lives only as means to an end?
Spotify Eats Everyone
Mood Machine exhaustively investigates how Spotify streaming currently operates and gives a searing indictment of global capital in the Digital Age.
‘Avowed’ Conveys the Weight of Words In Our Times
Avowed is a charming, old-fashioned fantasy RPG reminiscent of The Elder Scrolls series that teaches players to be mindful of their words.
The 100 Best Alternative Songs of the 1990s
The best alternative songs of the 1990s highlight the “golden age” of indie/alternative rock. Britpop, grunge, art rock, shoegaze, and more came to the fore.
Ellen McIlwaine Was a Goddess Ahead of Her Time
Director Alfonso Maiorana talks about music pioneer Ellen McIlwaine, who raised the power and profile of female musicians, and how she achieved her hard-earned “goddess” status.
PopMatters Picks
Justin Adams and Mauro Durante Discover Common Ground
On Sweet Release, Justin Adams and Mauro Durante’s second album together, they unearth ancient, elemental spirits that live half-hidden in the modern world.