In case Re:Print‘s own Nikki Tranter isn’t alone in her aversion to the thought of succumbing to peer pressure and finally reading Stephenie Meyer’s popular Twilight series, there is now an additional option when it comes to catching up with the current YA vampire craze.
A new graphic novel version was announced on the author’s website yesterday.
Little is available so far in terms of sample drawings, but Entertainment Weekly notes that the publication date is not yet set. The drawings are being done by a Korean artist, Young Kim. With no casting restrictions, hopefully Kim can stay true to Meyer’s characters and avoid imposing the features of Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the drawings. Meyer is apparently approving every illustrated panel herself.
The English language comic version is a bit behind pseudo-manga versions long available in Japan. My Japanese is a little rusty but it appears from the Amazon page that the first volume came out in August of 2005, and the thirteenth was published in March.
One fan has even assembled a montage of images from the Japanese graphic novel series. We haven’t seen the end of the Twilight phenomenon yet.