It would be easy to dismiss Grant Langston as a trad-country parodist if he didn’t write such unfailingly infectious tunes and weren’t such a skilled singer (though his nasal vocals might wake up the kids). His tongue is about to bust through his cheek on much of Stand Up Guy, his fourth album, with a half-joking smirk somewhere in Robbie Fulks territory, but there’s enough round choruses and Telecaster snap on the record to get under your skin or to at least keep poker night humming along. “Burt Reynolds Movie Brawl” provides a treat for Stroker Ace enthusiasts, but “Damn Good Day”, with its pick-tastic guitar fire is the hot-stepping keeper. The dedication to simple structures and wry lyrics might ultimately limit Stand Up Man‘s shelf life, but it’ll certainly be fun while it lasts.
Grant Langston: Stand Up Man
Grant Langston