Bowery Poetry Club, New York City
If there’s any way to graciously play 90’s alternative rock at this point, this would be it. Kaleidoscopic projected visuals emulating quilts and snow-capped mountains give way to vaguely homosexual encounters between cartoon peacocks with harps for tails; meanwhile, the performers gradually move between emulating the Foo Fighters and the better aspects of Better Than Ezra (that last one is indeed meant as
praise.) I’m as nostalgic for those days as anybody, but a contemporary glaze kept the word “retro” firmly at bay. Good for them.
Fool’s Gold
Bowery Poetry Club, New York City
Driving this band is former soloist and current front man Luke Top–who recalls a young David Byrne in both looks and stage impact. The proposition that a set like this is another example of indie-rock’s continuous co-opting of Afropop (also Byrne-like, actually) is perhaps a tenuous one in the wake of you-know-who, but it’s nevertheless pretty hard to resist. The performance, that is, not the idea. But yeah, that too.