Sometimes art shies away from political change and controversy, and sometimes art can ignite it. This coffee table book showcases the artwork inspired by Barrack Obama’s Campaign for Change. Shepard Fairey, the street artist who painted the now infamous “Obama Hope Stencil” (2008) edited this collection along with Jennifer Gross, of the Manifest Hope project. This book is the perfect gift for any loving-liberal who still tears up at the mention of Obama’s acceptation speech. But it is also perfect for any armchair historian, artist, or propaganda enthusiast too. More than just the beautiful paintings, renderings and sketches of the U.S. President, Art for Obama also illustrates the sheer talent of young American art communities. Soon this book will be a chronicle of nostalgia, for now it’s still quite inspiring of Hope and Change.
Art for Obama
Katharine Wray
20 November 2009