Marianne Dissard’s name is on the cover, and she gulps and moans and lashes her voice and sings with anguished gargling, but this is a good group album as well — Olivier Samouillan’s viola echoes her emotions like a twin brother of a different species, Sergio Mendoza’s drums smash like waves around the rock of her gargle in “Ce Visage-Là “, and Brian Lopez, whose first solo LP is due out later this year, comes into his own near the end of the disc with a vibrating Jeff Buckley falsetto. Paris One Takes is a collection of tracks from Dissard’s earlier albums, recorded again in a rougher style. A “live/studio recording,” she explains. The difference is significant. Soft little “La Confetti” from L’Entredeux now opens with a guitar like a jet engine, and the lyrics of “L’Embellie” have become urgent where they used to be languishing. Also available as a free download on her website.