Various Artists: The Reconstruction of Fives

Various Artists
The Reconstruction of Fives

Ethereal electronic music label n5MD celebrates its tenth anniversary with The Reconstruction of Fives, a 12-song compilation on which the label’s admirers (including Pale Sketcher, Architect, and Nadja, plus new label signings Dalot and Winterlight) cover songs by its artist stable. If you’re already well-acquainted with the n5MD aesthetic–subtle, disembodied, and delicately beautiful, drawing as much from post-rock as it does from experimental electronic music sound canvases–you’ll be pleased to find that the label’s signature sound hasn’t been lost in the translation. Call it glorified background music if you like, but there’s something quite touching about all those intangible textures and sensations that articulate feelings that can’t be solidified, and there’s no denying Bersarin Quartet’s aching and stirring take on SubtractiveLAD’s “The Deep and Lovely Quiet”.

RATING 7 / 10