Now that the Christmas season has passed and the gifts have already been received, let’s take a nostalgic look at popular gifts through the years. The 1960’s saw the introduction of many gifts that are still popular today.
Milton Bradley Mystery Date Board Game: The original 1965 version costs over $100 online, but a 2005 version is more readily available. (I personally have the High School Musical version.)
G.I. Joe: The 2009 G.I. Joe movie did well at the box office, creating a whole new generation of the action figures.
The Hula Hoop & The Frisbee: Every American kid probably has these now, but they were highly coveted in the 1960s. Who hasn’t heard Alvin plead for a hula hoop in “The Chipmunk Song”?
Rock’ em Sock’ em Robots: Yes, new versions of “the red rocker” and “the blue bomber” are still being sold in stores!
Polaroid Swinger Camera: An inexpensive film camera was a popular gift for those too old for toys. Polaroid stopped producing film cameras in 2008, but it has been rumored that the company may bring them back soon.
Albums by the Beatles: The Beatles’ Story, Beatles ‘65, Rubber Soul, Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles, and Abbey Road were all released in time for the Christmas season. Also, starting in 1963, the group sent out annual Christmas-themed records for members of their fan club. While last year saw the October release of remastered Beatles CDs, the band’s music just now made it to iTunes. Many people probably got a Beatles-themed iTunes gift card this year.