February 15, 2011 marks the recording debut of Yellowbirds, the first “solo” effort by singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Sam Cohen (Apollo Sunshine). With help from some friends Cohen orchestrated a sonic dreamland of billowing melodies, lulling harmonies and illustrative existential reasoning. Yellowbirds’ dreamland, appropriately titled The Color, was inspired by Cohen’s nostalgia for his Texas roots, crossed with contemporary industrial wonders of his current home New York City. In turn The Color is a collage of cool, calm and collected psychedelic folk rock, paired with dream pop and varnished with a southern croon; listening to Yellowbirds is like riding on a rainbow wondering “what’s next?” Stray away from the ordinary and join Yellowbirds in their “quixotic world where only the purist tones can be heard.”
The band is scheduled to perform February 12, 2011 at Cake Shop in NYC. Fingers crossed that more dates get announced in the near future.