Wherever it begins or ends, Paul Green’s act is a compelling one. “My ego,” he says, “is as big as the whole universe. I invented something so I could be the best at it.” His invention, launched in 1998, is the Paul Green School of Rock Music. He means to teach his students how to rock, to absorb and spit out the rockin’ spirit typically attributed to the devil: Jack-Blackishly, he demands to know, “Do you love Satan?” That is, he wants the kids (ages eight to 18) to feel the awesome power of Music with a big M. Green’s irrepressible theory and practice are on display in Don Argott’s lively, smart, and weirdly enchanting 2005 documentary, Rock School. It screens at the IFC Center on 22 February at 8pm, as part of Stranger Than Fiction‘s Winter Season, followed by a Q&A with Argott.
See PopMatters‘ review.