Masters of sepia-toned chamber pop, Loch Lomond beautifully evokes the gentle romanticism of a bygone era with its first album for Tender Loving Empire. Be it the pulsing Old World groove of “Blue Lead Fences” or the introductory plucked strings of “Water in Astoria” (which resemble nothing if not giddy raindrops), it’s the expert manner in which this Portland, Oregon sextet deploys its harmonies and its array of instruments (including piano, clarinets, and the Mellotron) that weaves these vintage signifiers into something so timeless in its lovely elegance. About the only thing that can spoil the entrancing vibe is the jarring recognition that the verses of “Earth Has Moved Again” totally resemble those from Led Zeppelin’s “Tangerine”. Even then, the song will be appreciated for sense of anticipation and its charming vocal melodies.Overall, this record will be a perfect soundtrack for sunset-draped picnic dates or lazy afternoons sitting on a sun-bathed front porch.