Jib Kidder – “Blue” (video)

Since 2009, Asthsmatic Kitty has been quietly issuing installments in the Library Catalog Music series. With this series, the home of Sufjan Stevens, Jookabox, Fol Chen, and many other genre-bending freak pop artists has easily maintained its standing on the cutting edge of contemporary independent music. Case in point, the label handed the keys to their catalog over to young Jib Kidder, also known as California A/V artist Sean Schuster-Craig, who promptly turned around and reconstituted microsamples of dozens of tracks into stunning new glitch-hop compositions using just a turntable, editing, and respatializing EFX (i.e., reverb, delay). These works are much closer to warm and funky side of Prefuse 73 and Daedelus than the overhyped ADD of Girl Talk. Going one further, Jib made a video for “Blue” also from existing label materials. Suffice to say, Asthmatic Kitty is still at the top of its game. May the Library Catalog Music series never end.