I Was Totally Destroying It: Preludes

I Was Totally Destroying It

I Was Totally Destroying It’s third album starts off with the anthemic “Wrecking Ball”, a song that is unfortunately sabotaged a bit by singer John Booker’s vocal resemblance to Weird Al Yankovic. Luckily for the band, Rachel Hirsh handles the majority of lead vocals on the album, and Booker only sounds like Al when he’s really belting it out. Preludes is otherwise a solid album from top to bottom, boosted by Booker’s strong songwriting, and good musicianship from the whole band. Most of the songs are upbeat rockers like the catchy “Control”, which features a strong vocal from Hirsh as well as pounding drums and hook-filled guitars. The light, poppy “When Chaos Comes” jangles like a mid-’90s alternative band, while “Fight/Flight” is a bit darker, with tension-filled guitars and tasteful piano interludes. I Was Totally Destroying It aren’t breaking any new ground here, but it’s nice to hear a straightforward rock album that’s well-written and good the whole way through, without songs that feel like filler.

RATING 6 / 10