The tower defense game is not a genre that is often given much attention in the critical discussion of video games. Usually light on the narrative qualities that game critics enjoy focusing on and often assumed to be a slightly more casual genre, there’s still a lot to be considered in this type of game’s appeal and in its most successful examples.
Our discussion, of course, touches on Plants Vs. Zombies, but we also look at a few other fresher titles like Anomaly: Warzone Earth and Defense Grid: the Awakening.
This podcast is also available via iTunes.
Our podcast contributors:
Rick Dakan is a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog as well as to the Gamma Testing podcast.
G. Christopher Williams is the Multimedia Editor at You can find his weekly updates featured at the Neuromance blog.
Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog.
Thomas Cross contributes frequently to the Multimedia section at, and he also pens the Diamond in the Rough column for GameSetWatch.
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