This is my video from 1994 for “I Need Love”. I was fascinated by a film from Russian Georgia made in the ’90s called Repentance. The film starts with a man’s funeral. The day following the funeral, one of his family members looks out the window and the dead man’s body had been dug up and is leaning against a tree in the front yard. They bury him again; he is dug up again. They catch the gravedigger, a woman, and she starts to tell her story — the reason she won’t let the man rest in his grave. One of the great scenes in the film inspired this video.
When you see me standing at the gate in the video, I am wearing a plastic drop cloth. I must have run out of changes for the different set ups, but that did not upset my stylist. He calmly pinned a big piece of plastic around my white slip. I may not have had enough clothes for that shoot, but I did have a Tesla machine to play with.