It should be noted that we at PopMatters are fans of Olivia Wilde. On November 16, 2011, Wilde was recruited to unveil the Swarovski Star that would be placed atop this year’s Christmas Tree in New York City’s Rockefeller Center. Her diminutive figure was dwarfed by the 550 pound ornament behind her as she presented it to the waiting media.
Although the ornament was attached to a crane, it wasn’t lifted atop the tree on this overcast afternoon. The tree was surrounded by scaffolding as a considerable amount of decorating was still underway before it lights up on November 30th (Cee-lo Green and Faith Hill are just a couple of the musicians performing during the event). Yet power was fed to the star and it shimmered and pulsed behind Wilde (and it reminded me of a crystal from a Final Fantasy.
Gawkers crowded around for the brief presentation which fortunately ended just before the rain kicked in. While Thanksgiving is still to come, Black Friday chatter (or creep) is on the collective mind which means the Christmas holiday is not far from thought. Even if New Yorkers aren’t into consumption though, they are lucky to have iconic locations teeming with a festive spirit.
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