German musician Detlef Weinrich has been just as prolific outside of the band Kreidler as he has been with the Düsseldorf quartet. Under the name Tolouse Low Trax, Weinrich has already thrown down five releases, culminating with a graceful display of delicate noise called Jeidem Fall. Part electronica, part musiqè concrete sound collage, part disembodied vocal sampling and entirely creative, this is reconstructed sound where everything is finding its right place.
“Geo Scan” starts the program with ’80s-era Bruce Gilbert metallic chugs, swapping it all for an entirely different feel on the title track where a heavily-filtered sample lays bare a phrase that serves as melody and background. From there, Jeidem Fall becomes only more creative and varied, as on the brief but rump-shaking interlude “Civilisation Penta”. To what kind of party you have been invited is anyone’s guess, really.