The 2012 Conscious Life Expo: Los Angeles

Humanity’s entrance into 2012 has been a long time coming for those who have been following the 2012 phenomenon since the late 20th century. The 10th Annual Conscious Life Expo brought together a diverse and timely array of speakers from the metaphysical community at the beginning of this hopefully momentous year. It seemed like a prime opportunity to get a look at Earth’s metaphysical report card, at what could be viewed as a galactic two-minute warning of sorts.

The expo featured a film festival, 200 exhibit booths, live music and a diverse array of speakers on a variety of metaphysical topics. These topics included the Mayan calendar, UFOs, ancient aliens, past lives, hidden history, psychic powers, astrology, shamanism and more. The workshop speakers were the main draw, with some of the biggest names in the metaphysical community appearing throughout the weekend.

This coming winter solstice was a prime topic, for it will be the conclusion of a 26,000-plus year cycle, known as the precession of the equinoxes, charting Earth’s passage around the galaxy and into alignment with the galactic equator of the Milky Way. This grand cycle is what the ancient Maya were charting and it’s the reason their legendary calendar concludes this December. The metaphysical community has long speculated on the concept of a momentous transformational paradigm shift for humanity at this approaching juncture, and this topic dominated conversation throughout the weekend.

Saturday — “The Physics of 2012” – celebrity panel hosted by George Noory

This panel about “what’s really happening in 2012” was one of the weekend’s obvious main events. “Coast to Coast” AM host George Noory was the moderator with a panel billed to include Dannion Brinkley, Hunbatz Men, Gregg Braden, John Major Jenkins, David Wilcock and Barbara Marx Hubbard. Mayan calendar expert Jenkins was an unfortunate cancellation due to a death in the family though, while indigenous Mayan Daykeeper Hunbatz Men was also MIA for unspecified reasons. The expo subbed in a couple other speakers though and a lively discussion was still had.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that the actual technology we see from ancient times — the pyramid technology — is more advanced than what we’re using now,” said Wilcock, a researcher of ancient civilizations, the science of consciousness and evolving paradigms of matter and energy. Wilcock’s statement hinted at what many have long suspected about the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids, that they could not have been built merely with the technology available to humanity at the time.

Barbara Marx Hubbard had just been awarded the expo’s Lifetime Achievement Award earlier in the day and the co-founder of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution was one of the bigger names on hand. “What if the most extraordinary thing is about to happen? That is my intuition,” Hubbard said about 2012. She said that everyone on Earth who is attracted to change is going to experience a shift in consciousness. “I believe that would be the signal for shared contact [with our ET visitors]”.

Hubbard went on to speak of late, great Mayan calendar scholar/visionary Jose Arguelles, who sadly passed away in the spring of 2011. She said Arguelles had influenced her deeply, and she noted his theory that when enough people connect within the Earth’s thinking layer — the noosophere — the Earth will go telepathic with other worlds that have reached this level. This potential evolution of a collective consciousness is where many 2012 believers seem to pin their hopes for a shift that will lead humanity out of the current era of fear, greed and warmongering.

“As we awaken, we will see the world differently somehow… you’re just starting to feel like what it is to be sane,” said self-proclaimed psychic Sean David Morton, one of the substitute speakers.

Dannion Brinkley — an expert on the near death experience after being struck by lightning in 1975 — said humanity needs to look for its spiritual dynamite. “The Mayans say all things not done in integrity will collapse by 2012… we’re there, at that shift in consciousness,” Brinkley said.

Gregg Braden had one of the most diverse backgrounds of any speaker at the expo. Renowned for his visionary work bridging science with spirituality, Braden previously worked as a computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, as a senior computer systems designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last years of the Cold War, and as the first technical operations manager for Cisco Systems where he led the development of a global support team that helps ensure the reliability of the modern internet. Braden said that the physical changes the Earth is going through are not the problem, but the trigger. “The only things that are breaking down are the things that are no longer sustainable… We do have an opportunity to shift the way we think — are we going to choose cooperation or competition?” asked Braden.

Michael Cremo, a member of the World Archeological Congress, also questioned the status quo thinking on the Mayan pyramids, suggesting that there were unseen energies playing a role. “The physics of the these ancient people… involved a physics that included subtle energies, consciousness as something real,” said Cremo, seemingly implying that telekinesis could have played a role.

After opening statements, Noory asked the panel about the frequently over-hyped concept that the Mayan calendar could represent a date with apocalypse. But none of the speakers sided with such gloomy thinking. “If you’re an evolutionary, you know that crisis precedes transformation… Maybe we needed the crisis attitude to wake up humanity,” said Hubbard. “We’re shifting from pro-creation to co-creation”.

“Doom and gloom is not what’s really going on, but it serves a valuable function,” said Wilcock. He suggested that the Earth is going through a grand drama for humanity to determine if we will serve self or serve others. Wilcock predicted that there will soon be a mass arrest revealing a conspiracy that goes back 300 years, to switch out gold for fiat paper money in order to control the global economy. Wilcock also said government black ops agents have informed him that the US already possesses suppressed technology at the “Star Trek” level.

There was an ongoing dichotomy at the expo in regards to speakers who dealt in information of a highly speculative nature and those who aimed to provide more objective documentation, as historian/UFOlogist Richard Dolan would note on Sunday. But the metaphysical realm is inherently one that is harder to back up with such hard evidence. It’s here that spiritual seekers must follow their intuition. One of the more intriguing speakers in this regard was the great-granddaughter of former President Dwight Eisenhower.

Saturday workshop — Laura Eisenhower — “Extraterrestrials and the Eisenhower Legacy”

Laura Eisenhower drew a standing room only crowd to her workshop, perhaps aided by her engaging presence on Facebook, where she frequently posts about her research into a variety of metaphysical topics. She’s an intriguing personality to say the least, claiming that her bloodline led to her being recruited by secret agents a few years back for a survival colony on Mars.

Her story revolves around a battle between good and evil that did not end when her great-grandfather led the Allied Forces to victory over Hitler in World War II. “After the war, these entities, including those that were extraterrestrial, continued to find hosts and create agreements with the global elite — who want to run things through fear, power and control along with the suppression of Sophia or the essence of the Divine,” said Eisenhower in the expo program. She touched on a variety of related topics in the workshop.

“If you are meant to ascend, you will,” Eisenhower said in regards to speculation about Earth shifting to a higher dimension at the end of 2012, suggesting a sense of destiny for certain souls. She briefly touched on the hidden agenda of “Alternative 3”, the conspiracy theory that the world government has had a base on Mars since the early ’60s, a project supposedly begun under Dwight Eisenhower’s administration. But upon being recruited to the project in 2006, she resisted, choosing to remain on Earth. She also suggested that a reptilian invasion had taken place some 280,000 years ago and that these aliens — aka the Annunaki — are still trying to control world events today. This echoed the research of well-known British researcher David Icke. But then Eisenhower delivered her own take on the metaphysical forces at work.

“Where is God, where is the intervention? We’re the intervention,” Eisenhower said, hinting that humanity has a special role in the galactic scheme of things. This is a popular point of view in the New Age community, providing a fascinating contrast to the more mainstream view that humanity is just a war torn race that would be of no interest to the galactic community.

“The shadow government only exists because of the ignorance of humanity,” Eisenhower said. When asked how people could attempt to combat this shadow government, Eisenhower responded with a two-pronged plan of civil disobedience.

“Don’t vote, don’t pay taxes,” she said. Eisenhower’s rejection of the two-party duopoly’s bi-hegemonic control of the American government certainly provides compelling food for thought. She went on to note her great-grandfather’s famous outgoing presidential speech from 1961, where Ike presciently warned America about the nefarious influence of the military industrial-complex.

“He saw that the presidency was becoming co-opted as a CIA pawn,” said Eisenhower. She again mentioned the ongoing battle between good and evil that had continued after World War II, with the US government bringing over Nazi collaborators via Operation Paper Clip, a shady undercover op long since revealed as historical fact. Eisenhower’s talk was kind of all over the place, but she certainly was one of the more interesting speakers at the expo.

Planet Earth, ET and You…

Sunday workshop – Richard Dolan – “Planet Earth, ET and You: Rethinking Extraterrestrial Contact for the 21st Century”

Historian Richard Dolan has shot to the top of the UFOlogy field in the past decade with his impressive books that focus less on the high strangeness that permeates the field, and more on a meticulously documented examination of the governmental cover-up. He also speaks with an intellectual eloquence that sets him apart from the field every time he appears at a conference.

“There’s a philosophical divide in UFO research, it’s evidenced right here at this conference,” Dolan said, referencing the contrast exhibited at the expo with subjectivism versus objectivism, spiritualism versus materialism and religion versus science. “The New Age-y types are onto something… but it’s important to marry this with a scientific methodology”.

Dolan ran over some of the key evidence, referring to the compelling “12 government documents that take UFOs seriously” article at his site,, one of the best places to start for anyone interested in UFOlogy. As to the origination of the cover-up surrounding the legendary 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico, Dolan cited a variety of issues for the government disconnect with the truth – Cold War realities, petroleum implications, social control, fear of the unknown, and the creation of a black budget infrastructure to deal with the salvaged technology. He also said his research indicates our visitors are telepathic, can manage our memories and space-time manipulation, and are surely bio-engineered. This last point explains the Greys, Dolan said, with their large heads and small bodies indicating a high IQ at the expense of rest of body.

Dolan then broke down the current sociopolitical barriers to disclosure, saying we’re screwed from above because the world’s richest one percent own 40 percent of all wealth, which translates to the mind control of a 24/7 propaganda barrage in the mainstream corporate media. “We have to become aware enough to understand what’s happening… The History Channel never gets into the true political implications because that would be revolutionary,” Dolan said in one of his pithiest comments.

He went on to speak of false flag terror operations in the world and categorized the 9/11 attacks as one of them. But he declared a skeptical viewpoint on some of the more nebulous topics in the UFOlogy/conspiracy theory realm such as fake invasion scenarios, time travel claims, Obama being ready to disclose, etc. The latter theory gains juice from how Obama has John Podesta in his inner circle, Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff and “X-Files” man. But while noting that Podesta’s presence is interesting, Dolan was not optimistic in this regard. “Obama has not shown any hint that he is really interested in freedom for you… What I see is a continuation of George W. Bush,” Dolan said of Obama’s presidency so far.

Dolan also declared skepticism of the 2012 ascension concept, but said that the inevitability of truth about UFOs and ETs will come out. “New technologies and capabilities continue to appear. Something will force this issue open,” Dolan said, indicating he believes it will happen within 10-20 years, an adjustment from the 4-25 year window he offered at the Roswell UFO Festival in 2009. Dolan warned that disclosure could be a rockier road than many might hope though, warning that implementation of free energy solutions could cause some economic and social turmoil in the short term.

Dolan posed the question of how to create a just and logical solution to the world’s geopolitical problems and said the US President must figure out a way to reclaim full constitutional authority in the covert war against the black budget power structure that has arisen around the UFO cover-up. He proposed a global federalism with an international legal paradigm to enforce corporate responsibility.

Dolan also suggested that one of the biggest questions for humanity is close encounters of the fifth kind (intentional contact with ETs) and how we can achieve it. Dolan concluded by saying he’s an idealist, but not a utopian and that there is no “get out of jail free card” with disclosure. “We should approach all things with a beginner’s mind, no fear, no fantasy,” Dolan said, referencing an earlier stated interest in Zen Buddhism. The no fear, no fantasy approach would indeed claim a strong yet rarely elucidated middle ground on the momentous matter.

Sunday workshop – Stephen Bassett – “The Most Profound Event in History: Disclosure!”

The UFO theme continued on Sunday afternoon with the executive director of the Paradigm Research Group and political action committee X-PPAC, both of which are aimed at catalyzing official government disclosure of the UFO cover-up. Like Richard Dolan, Stephen Basset focused on tangible evidence and documents. He spoke about the recent internet protests that got Congress to drop the controversial SOPA and PIPA legislation that threatened to censor the internet.

“That is power,” Basset said. He went on to speak of Wikileaks as a game changer in the global information sphere and praised the ubiquitous Guy Fawkes mask from V for Vendetta as an icon that “represents an era of collective action”. Basset then noted UFOlogist Grant Cameron’s research at, citing documents confirming a connection between the Clinton administration and an interest in disclosure with the Rockefeller Initiative. Basset described this as an ongoing project between the Clinton administration and wealthy philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller from 1993-96.

Bassett spoke glowingly of John Podesta and expressed more optimism about Podesta’s presence in Obama’s inner circle than Dolan had. Basset showed clips of Podesta’s press conferences at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2002 and 2003, where Podesta called for the government to open the books on questions about government investigations of UFOs and to declassify such records. Basset claimed the second press conference in 2003 was done in coordination with the Taken miniseries on the Sci-Fi Channel (which was based around many historical events and did intriguingly seem to serve as an extended sequel to executive producer Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind).

Bassett dug deeper into the modern political quagmire when he said the Republicans knew they’d lose in 2008, so they gutted the economy and moved all the money to Skull and Bones associates. Now they try to blame it all on Obama, Bassett said, terming it “Real Politique”.

Basset indicated that the Obama administration had painted itself into a corner by opening the “We the People” petition project on the White House site this past September and promising to respond to any issue that got five thousand signatures within 30 days. Bassett promptly put up a petition calling for a response to questions about the UFO cover-up, which gained twelve thousand signatures. The Obama administration responded on November 4 with a typical government denial, but it represented the first formal response in history by the executive branch on the topic of UFOs and ETs.

“If we can break this statement, we can break the truth embargo,” Bassett said. To that end he has now launched a second petition specifically asking the Obama administration to investigate the Rockefeller Initiative during the Clinton presidential era. Those interested can view and sign the petition (which now needs 25,000 sigs) here.

Sunday workshop – Tricia McCannon on 2012 (subbing for John Major Jenkins)

Writer/healer/clairvoyant Tricia McCannon had already delivered a Friday workshop titled “Spiritual Ascension Codes for 2012, ET Visitation, and the Emerging Age of Aquarius”. The author of “Dialogues with Angels” made a decent substitute here for absent Mayan calendar scholar John Major Jenkins. McCannon’s material was of a much more esoteric variety, but still interesting. She likened 2012 to a portal through which we can pass, like a graduation day, every 26,000 years. McCannon spoke of an age of increased technology where space travel opens to us, along with miracles in science, physics and medicine.

“Maybe you decided to be a Bodhisattva, to come back and help,” McCannon said, speaking to those who might consider themselves light-workers or at least spiritual adepts of some sort. She spoke of 2012 as a time when humanity will reconnect science, religion and philosophy and recall of planetary memories from ancient advanced civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria.

She said 2012 would also mark the return of our star brothers and sisters, “beings working hard behind the scenes to help us, but they honor our free will.” McCannon said this is how angels work, through invitation. “We all come from the angelic realms, one of nine orders,” McCannon said. She also mentioned ET beings from Orion, Sirius and Pleiades who look human and have come to assist humanity.

“This is a paradise world… a conjunction of many intergalactic ley lines,” McCannon said, re-emphasizing the theme that Earth is a special place in the galaxy, not just some backwater planet of little interest to the galactic community. “What’s going to happen in 2012 is we’re going to make a leap into the fourth dimension,” she said, a common theme in channeled literature since the 1990s.

She also spoke of Egyptian mythology, saying that the Ankh reminds us that we’re immortal, while the Was reminds us to attune to the universal sound and awaken. “By using sounds, you can learn to surf into soul travel,” McCannon said, a concept that would surely intrigue fans of the jamband scene. McCannon went further with the musical theme, saying that mythological character Osiris was a musician who would call everyone together with music and feed them. Rock music has certainly demonstrated a power to feed the soul since the genre exploded into the cultural consciousness in the ’60s, so this concept is an alluring one for the rock ‘n’ roll crowd.

The expo also featured a diverse array of exhibitors showing off both their products and their knowledge. Expo speakers manned tables not only to sell their books but to engage attendees in further discussion, as Richard Dolan did throughout the weekend. You could also chat with people like Eden Clark, a shamanic healer who exuded a spiritual authenticity that some of the more New Agey practitioners lacked. If you were interested in potentially making a trip to the Yucatan to check out Mayan ruins, you could speak with a representative from the Retiro Maya eco-hotel & retreat center in Tulum Beach, Mexico (see Or you could speak with reps from, a grassroots campaign calling for labeling of genetically modified organisms that threaten to damage the global food supply.

As to Earth’s metaphysical report card, humanity’s academic work in the field seems promising. But the mark will have to be deemed an incomplete until final grades are due, when the galactic school year concludes on December 21.