Local H in Photos: Live at the Double Door in Chicago.
Chicago hard rock duo Local H sold out and tore up the Double Door in their home town on Cinco de Mayo
The duo stirred up a rage of testosterone with a set-list ranging from the early days of “As Good As Dead” to cuts off their latest album “Hallelujah.”
View from the crowd
Obstructed view of fans rocking out and shoving each other.
Front row fans
Guitar/vocalist Scott Lucas did everything in his power to rile up fans. Some of his techniques included, but were not limited to: shouting, cursing, threatening, mocking people, stage diving, and crowd surfing.
Scott Lucas in motion
Drummer Brian St. Clair maniacally pounded his drums only to quietly retreat with a sweat rag behind his kit in between songs
Scott Lucas’ awesomely bad joke of the evening: “Happy Cinco de Mayo” (pronounced like mayonaise) “Cinco de Mustard, Cinco de Hot Sauce, Cinco de Ketchup…”
Upon crowd surfing one of Scott Lucas’ Adidas was taken from his foot. Lucas attempted to attack and grab fans in rage, but was eventually floated back to the stage. When he got to the mic he had plenty of death threats and wishful thinking to share with the shoe snatcher.