!BlurMyEyes, the debut EP by composer and multi-instrumentalist Aaron Roche, is best described as a musical hall of mirrors. In six songs he moves between several different genres and moods, all tied loosely together with an undercurrent of avant-garde gospel music. Billed as an EP/”song cycle,” !BlurMyEyes fits more into the latter; Roche’s brand of abstract pop is similar to his New Amsterdam cohort William Brittelle’s, especially in its lush textures. The compositions here are impressive, but at the same time Roche struggles under the weight of his own ambition. There’s a lot going on here, and despite the strength of the composite parts, as a whole this feels more like several very different artistic snapshots of Roche, as opposed to a united song cycle. Still, the brilliance evident in the many individual moments makes this affair one worth listening to, especially for those partial to modern art rock.