All India Radio: Red Shadow Landing

All India Radio
Red Shadow Landing

PledgeMusic, in case you didn’t know, is a lot like Kickstarter. Donations flow directly from the fans to the musicians. Australian post-rock band All India Radio invited their fans to become part of the creative process on their latest project, giving them the privelge of naming songs and even the album in exchange for their patronage. All India Radio reached their financial goal in no time, making Red Shadow Landing available just one calendar year after their previous album.

Featuring a fine-tuned lineup of Martin Kennedy, Kaz Sieger, Mark Wendt and Michael Evans-Barker, this is an edition of the band that breathes fully and is not afraid to show a little edge (see the almost-reckless conclusion to “The Original”). All India Radio have long been compared with Boards of Canada and Spiritualized, but the spacey qualities of songs like “Owlpacas in Flight” have more in common with Tortoise than Eno this time around. And just like their other releases, Red Shadow Landing has cyclical lines that will get lodged in your brain.

RATING 7 / 10