27 rue de mi’chelle is a beguiling bit of beauty. It’s almost impossible to give an appropriate genre tag to, other than the band’s self-designated “dream-pop/folk” label. The band, Carrousel, should hopefully be making some big waves soon because 27 rue de mi’chelle is downright gorgeous. Even the small moments on this record feel amplified due to their beauty. Top-to-bottom, Carrousel have crafted a beautifully constructed record that ranks among the best I’ve heard this year. The compositions are exquisite and when an unexpected element, like the horn section in “where do we go from here”, emerges it does so in a manner that straddles the line of perfection between bold and understated. It’s a shorter record at nine tracks but that only adds to its impact. With this record Carrousel have most certainly earned themselves a spot on my radar. Simply stunning.