Goodnight, Texas: A Long Life of Living

Goodnight, Texas
A Long Life of Living

Goodnight, Texas’s A Long Life of Living opened with “I’m Going to Work on Maggie’s Farm Forever” and instantly won me over. There’s a sense of grounded defiance, subtle antagonism, and a decent reactionary quotient that runs throughout this record. There are moments of pure genuine beauty that crop up here and there and suggest this band is further into their discography than you’d think (this is their second album together, and the first under this name).

Goodnight, Texas is fronted by a man from San Francisco and a man from North Carolina who seem to have channeled every bit of America that separates them. Ragged sensibilities dominate A Long Life of Living, which sounds similar to the current crop of Americana fusion bands but has enough character to carve out its own niche. An incredibly strong debut from a band you won’t want to turn your back on.

RATING 7 / 10