Members of the Los Angeles-based Furious Seasons have been plying their trade for 20 years in various outfits, and it shows in the seasoned professionalism of My Analog Face. Drawing from the most melodic morsels of British Invasion, folk rock, laidback country rock, and ‘80s college rock, the album adheres to the gospel of pop formalism, yielding songs that are impeccably arranged and a production that buffs the material into a finish-room shine. It’s a pleasant listen, surely, but maybe one that’s too nice — against the continuously sanguine music, David Steinhart sings of failed relationships and heavy regrets, and such lyrics end up being dulled by the overall presentation. Though the Seasons’ adroit execution is commendable, a little loosening of the collective collar would be quite welcome to an LP that’s so straight-laced, the line “I never liked that damn job anyway” can be uttered without any evidence of dissatisfaction.