In the time since my somewhat dubious review of Deep Blue, it seems that Parkway Drive not only decided to return to their trademark sound, but also chose to do everything possible to make it better. Their newest album, Atlas, sees a reinvigorated Parkway Drive once again treading the thin line between deathcore and metalcore, while finding every conceivable way to add subtle elements of progression to their sound.
Atlas is probably the most diverse album the band has ever written, with background symphonic elements, thrash influence, acoustic interludes and enough hardcore attitude to satisfy the most stubborn moshers out there. I consider Atlas to be the true follow-up to 2007’s Horizons, as Atlas displays the same even tempo and precision style balance of the older album. Admittedly, Atlas does still long for more guitar solos, in the same way that Deep Blue did, but that’s a minor complaint in the grand scheme. From the impossible speed of “Swing” to the head-crushing breakdowns of “Sleight of Hand”, Atlas is a perfect return to form for Parkway Drive.