Build is never better or more inspired that it is on its title track. “Build” also serves as the record’s opening track setting an impossible precedent for a band of this variety to live up to. Unsurprisingly, the record devolves from that boundary-pushing genre-defying gem almost immediately and reverts back to the lazy reggae-jam stylings that are inescapable at the lower caliber summer music festivals. While the instrumentation is often fairly impressive, there are only a few moments outside of “Build” that genuinely overcome the genre’s obvious shortcomings. Most of them exist on the slower songs like “No Olvidado” and “Metamorphosis” as well as the positively winning swing of “Like I Do” which are all genuinely stunning tracks that highlight the bands potential outside of accepted norms. Here’s hoping they realize the further they reach out, the more engaging they become.
Rupa & the April Fishes: Build
Rupa & the April Fishes