Photo: Michael Basu

Faces on Film – ‘Elite Lines’ (album stream) (Premiere)

Intimacy is the theme just under the surface of Faces on Film's new album, Elite Lines.

The follow up to 2008’s The Troubles and 2011’s Some Weather, Faces on Film a.k.a. Mike Fiore plays with our sense of reality and employs skillful use of imagery throughout Elite Lines, which we premiere here at PopMatters today.

Fiore says that, “each song on the record came together in the same way, more or less. All the parts would be there, in my head, but I wouldn’t practice them or try to assemble anything before it was time to record. That joy of playing something for the first time is what I wanted to get on tape.” That ultimately speaks to that state of intimacy where you’re hearing someone play out a secret in song.

Within the patchwork of tales on Elite Lines, Fiore brings influences as diverse as Harry Nilsson’s “Many Rivers to Cross” to Frank Ocean’s “Swim Good” to Neil Young’s “I Believe in You”. That should serve to whet your appetite for the aural journey you’ll impart on with Faces on Film.

Elite Lines is out March 25.