Cremation Lily is Zen Zsigo. His music is punishing. I’m not using that word as a deterrent, just as a slice of honest truth. If you are going to stick your head into the flames of Fires Frame the Silhouette, you can’t cry over getting burned. There are notes among the noise, but they are ominous to say the least. There is vocalization, but it’s mostly shouting. The mix finds nearly everything pushed up and up to a breaking point. The first two tracks are nearly eight minutes of sounds clipping and peaking without any break in sight. Pieces like “Iron Pier” and the stunningly haunting title track give you a bit of reprieve since they focus on the moodier sounds of Zsigo’s electronic inclinations. But the rest can border on aggressively noisy. Cristian Vogel and Bruce Gilbert sound like Philip Glass compared to Cremation Lily. This is truly confrontational stuff and no one, probably not even Zsigo, would blame you for being a little scared of it.
Cremation Lily: Fires Frame the Silhouette
This is music deconstructed so far down that it somehow found itself in hell.
Cremation Lily