City Walls Autumn Falls is a duo comprised of two brothers, Anthony and David Gill, who moved from Melbourne, Australia, to the bright lights, big city of New York. Factory, their debut album following an EP, was financed through an IndieGogo campaign that saw the outfit surpass their initial target for recording. Last winter, the group holed up in a haunted barn in Woodstock, New York, and crafted their searingly beautiful LP. At times reminiscent of Band of Horses, the quieter, acoustic-based songs of the Ozark Mountain Daredevils and the folksy strum of Neil Young, Factory is an astonishingly confident album, and one that should make a name for this band. Full of lilting harmonies, Factory is studded with quiet and lush gems.
The thing kicks off with the title track, which you might find yourself quietly humming to yourself in unexpected moments. “December Moon”, which follows, is a nice ballad with duet harmonies, and is a gorgeous respite. The harmonica-led “You’re Going to Miss Me” is a nice cut from both the Bob Dylan and Neil Young cloths, and would nestle quite nicely on Young’s Harvest. Basically, I could go on, but if there’s one thing that Factory does well is showcase what you can do with a couple of acoustic guitars and disarming voices. By the time you get to final track “Home”, which turns into a studio sing-a-long, you’ll be felled by the charms of this record. Full of crystalline beauty, and homespun melodies, Factory is a record that should quite nicely send City Walls Autumn Falls well on its way to being both a touring entity and an unqualified success.