Following their 2012 self-titled debut, bassist Colin Edwin (of Porcupine Tree fame) and guitarist Jon Durant have teamed up once again as the progressive jazz duo called Burnt Belief. “Précis”, a track off of the duo’s forthcoming Etymology LP, is an inviting and knotty instrumental that displays a keen ear for melody and, most importantly, a nuanced understanding of groove and rhythm. A nocturnal, electro-jazzy number, “Précis” is an ideal taste of what’s to come on Etymology.
Edwin told PopMatters about the song, “‘Précis’ seemed like an appropriate title, as it condenses the ingredients that make Burnt Belief what it is: deep atmospheres, unexpected twists, dynamic changes and the evidence of Jon and myself reacting to each other.”
Etymology is out on October 21st through Alchemy. Watch a promo for the album below: