
Suzanne Jarvie – “Spiral Road” (video) (Premiere)

The title track from the Canadian singer/songwriter Suzanne Jarvie's upcoming LP, Spiral Road, is a song of mystical journeys.

Though she hails from Toronto, Canada (and was born in colonial Hong Kong), singer/songwriter Suzanne Jarvie fits comfortably into the Americana fold. Her newest album, the Indiegogo funded Spiral Road, is set for release in the coming weeks. Now, you can watch the video for the title track below. Directed by Jason van Bruggen, the video captures the mystical journey detailed in Jarvie’s evocative lyrics: “Spiral road, come for me, ready for, eternity / Cloak of invisibility, equal at last – you and me.”

Jarvie tells PopMatters, “‘Spiral Road’ was inspired by a passage in Charles Langley’s book, Meeting the Medicine Men — and his mystical experiences with the same Navajo shaman who worked on my son while he was in a coma. The song reflects my existential conflict between wanting to defeat death, and embrace it, like an old friend. Jason van Bruggen did such an extraordinary job bringing all of the elements together for the video.”

Spiral Road is out on November 11th.