Emma Donovan & The PutBacks, comprised of vocalist Donovan and backing band the PutBacks, is a tour de force of funk and soul hailing from the land down under. Together these musicians create a unique blend of styles and influences that converge nicely in a soul sonic that anyone noticing the recent uptick in soul music should spot right away. Donovan’s roots in the indigenous peoples of Australia, combined with the PutBacks’ experience in the Melbourne music scene, make this group a talent to watch. Below, you can view a snippet of the process behind Dawn, the band’s forthcoming album.
Donovan says to PopMatters about the LP, “Dawn is some personal stories I needed to share, but from that hard place I ended up in the sweet Dawn — a brand new day”
Dawn is out via Hopestreet on November 11th.
You can download the lead single from Dawn, “Daddy”, for free at this link.