In this inaugural edition of PopTalk, a new podcast on PopMatters, Evan Sawdey and Brice Ezell take a look at the controversial slate of Oscar nominations for the 2015 ceremonies. From there, they examine the other problems that occur in large award ceremonies like the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Emmys. Topics include the limited rules for what constitutes a “Best Original Score”, the exclusion of minority artists by predominately white voting blocs, and the refusal of certain award ceremonies to break their predictable trends.
Evan Sawdey is the Interviews Editor at PopMatters and Brice Ezell is the Assistant Editor.
Stream the podcast below:
For more on the problems with the rules for the Best Original Score category, see the latest Notes on Celluloid column for PopMatters, “A Call for the Academy to Reconceptualize the Best Original Score Category”.