Saxophonist Jeremy Danneman recorded three albums last year and plans to record another one very soon. Lady Boom Boom is one release to arise from this busy schedule. The front of the album brings a straight-ahead bop feel while the back half dances closer to the funky sounds of his Ropeadope brethren.
Regardless of what you think of the style, Danneman has formed a pretty nifty little band with Tim Kepier on drums, Anders Nilsson on guitar and the mighty William Parker on bass. Lady Boom Boom, assembled from Danneman originals, is allegedly about “atonement, forgiveness, war, peace, liberation, love, death and sex.” And he could have concluded the album with the soulful, bouncy title track, but the elastic jam “The Toothless Old Lady Warns the University Girls About Men” wraps things up over the course of nearly half an hour.