The San Diego-based Triumph of the Wild, a roots rock duo consisting of Christy Barrett and Ryan Schilling, created their sophomore LP, We Come With the Dust, after a five month trip that stopped off in locations such as Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and Tennessee. The influence of these states shows itself clearly on the album; drawing from both Americana and classic rock influences (the press release for the LP cites Woody Guthrie and Janis Joplin), Barrett and Schilling create a brand of rock ‘n’ roll that’s warmly familiar, but not so beholden to the fast that it feels like a mere act of copy and paste.
Below you can stream one fine example from We Come With the Dust, the ragged, bluesy number “Brown Dog Blues”.
Schilling tells PopMatters, “The song was literally inspired by a brown stray dog that found us at a campground in Monroe, Louisiana. We were working on melodies for a tune we wrote a while back and we couldn’t figure out what it should be about. So we started singing about that dirty brown dog just foolin’ around and it ended up turning into something really cool with a lot of depth. Some of the best things we write come when we’re just having a good time, not expecting anything.”
We Come With The Dust, which received significant fan support from Kickstarter, is out on 14 April.