Photo: Rachel King

Bill Ryder-Jones – “Two to Birkenhead” (video) (Singles Going Steady)

Former lead guitarist from the Coral Bill Ryder-Jones has a new record, West Kirby County Primary, coming out on November 6th. "Two to Birkenhead" is the first single.

Eric Risch: Incorporating the American insouciance of Pavement with his native British stoicism, Bill Ryder-Jones, former lead guitarist from the Coral, abides on “Two to Birkenhead”. With a detached delivery and jaunty guitar tone, Ryder-Jones tempers the angst of garage rock without abdicating its potency. [7/10]

Ian King: Here’s a hypothetical battle of the (cover) bands worth organizing: Bill Ryder-Jones covering “Rattled by the Rush” versus Ought covering “Eat Y’self Fitter”, with Pavement’s Peel session of “The Classical” serving as the referee. [6/10]