The battle between Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero has a clear winner this year, and to nobody’s surprise, it’s been won by the people who’ve been with this genre from the beginning. I actually enjoyed Guitar Hero 3 last year because it was more of a game than a toy; now that Guitar Hero has added the instruments that Rock Band has, its focus seems muddled while Rock Band‘s remains clear: Rock Band (and by extension, Rock Band 2) simply wants to create the most fulfilling social experience possible. With over 80 songs on the disc, another 55 that you can import from the first game, and over 300 that you can download, the song catalog alone makes Rock Band 2 something that just about anyone could have some interest in. A refined and tweaked career interface, the inclusion of a “no-fail” mode, and a “drum trainer” then push it into Ultimate Party Game territory. The Rock Band 2 bundle is not cheap — almost $200 is a lot of coin to drop on a game — but what you get out of it is one of the only gaming experiences out there that truly has unlimited replay value. [$179.99-$189.99]