Call of Duty: World at War

If a “History of the World According to Video Games” textbook ever existed, the biggest chapter would be for World War II, the source of countless first-person and third-person shooters. Why there aren’t more games based on other time periods or wars is a bit of a mystery, but in the meantime, Call of Duty: World at War is the best of a crowded genre. It helps that World at War doesn’t serve up a Normandy and D-Day rehash for the billionth time; instead the game covers the island-hopping campaign in the Pacific as well as Russia’s reversal of the tide at Stalingrad all the way to the Fall of Berlin. It also helps that the game features quality voice acting from Kiefer Sutherland and Gary Oldman, an extremely fun four-player cooperative campaign, addicting multiplayer similar to Call of Duty 4‘s, and a bonus Nazi zombie mode that unlocks when you finish the campaign.