The Capricorns: River, Bear Your Bones

The Capricorns
River, Bear Your Bones
Rise Above

The Capricorns make no bones about their desire to join Pelican and Russian Circles at the top of the instrumental post-metal pile; after all, they build their songs with the same stout concrete-riffs and hypnotic introspection as their aforementioned peers. However, cuts like “Drinking Water from the Skull of a Hanged Man” and “Broken Coffin of a Venerable King” doesn’t exactly posses the Platonic qualities that lure the listener out of the cave and blow their minds in the edifying light (as superior instrumental bands often do).

River, Bear Your Bones constitutes many passages that lull you into blissful indolence or suddenly grab a hold and choke you. However, there’s an element of wanton stitching-together that eviscerates continuity, eventually coming off a bit like taking a cruise on a choppy winding rivulet when you could be sailing the great ocean.

RATING 6 / 10