A cross between Fall Out Boy and Franz Ferdinand, Attack! Attack! makes bouncy, dance-y, emo-tinged rock. Some prime examples are on “Honesty”, the up-tempo, smooth “You and Me” and the mediocre “This Is a Test” which passes by the skin of its teeth. However, the band definitely hits gold with “Too Bad Son”, a song that resembles a cross between FOB and The Replacements in their later-day prime. But it’s the songs that are often throwaways that seem to complement the highlights very well. A perfect example of this is the perfectly polished pop of “From Now On”, a song you will find yourself humming in the shower the next day. The same can be said for the rapid-fire and terribly tight “Say It To Me” and the closing “Time Is Up”, a tune that is full bore rock. A very good attack indeed!
Attack! Attack!: Attack! Attack!
Attack! Attack!
Rock Ridge Music