The Lemurs: Million Little Bits

The Lemurs
Million Little Bits
Big Chop

Although the debut EP from the Lemurs is sharply produced and polished, it ultimately stands as an uninspiring mish-mash of forced styles. From track to track, the band alternates between familiar formulas until the influences pile up so deep it becomes difficult to discern the band’s actual identity. “Nina” and “Blackspot” wouldn’t be out of place on a record by the Bravery and “Yours Mine Ours” comes off like a pale imitation of the Cure. By the time the vocoder vocals of “Waiting Outside” kick in, it’s clear that the Lemurs are willing to try anything they think might sell. Even though the Lemurs have some talent working in their favor, the EP comes off as a calculated litmus test aimed squarely at landing mainstream radio play and TV licensing spots. Their first full-length is due for release in 2009, and here’s hoping it will showcase a band with a defined identity more willing to take chances.

RATING 5 / 10