
Photo: Jake Barnes

Andrew Deadman Faces Himself Down in “Silent Scream” (premiere)

Los Angeles singer-songwriter Andrew Deadman shares his latest video for "Silent Scream". "By the time I had finished the song, the sun had come up and the hangover I had that morning, I still have to this day."

Santa Monica Airport 1987 is the solo debut album from Los Angeles-based musician Andrew Deadman, best known for his previous work under the moniker the Temporary Thing. Working under that name, he became a favorite of several critical voices in the music world, including the late, legendary John Peel.

His latest video, “Silent Scream”, reveals his prowess as a songwriter and master storyteller, as he winds down a tale of self-loathing and loneliness. Although reminiscent of giants such as Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen, Deadman proves himself very much his own man on this latest cut, finding the fine line between desperation and hope with conviction and deep pathos.

Deadman will celebrate the release of Santa Monica Airport 1987, issued through Minty Fresh Records, on Friday, 29 November in Los Angeles at the Hotel Café.

Speaking about the new song, Deadman says, “‘Silent Scream’ was written shortly after I’d woke up in a hotel room not knowing what city I was in or why I was there. I’d been doing a lot of travelling for work and the nights were blending into the days, if you know what I mean. I remember walking to the bathroom mirror and not recognizing myself. By the time I had finished the song, the sun had come up and the hangover I had that morning, I still have to this day. We filmed the video out on the Pearblossom Highway in Pearblossom, California. That highway, the 138, is a great way to get to Las Vegas from LA if you don’t wanna take the eastern route and drive by the same shopping center for two hours. We had two other videos that had to be scrapped due to technical issues and we were out of money so myself and Kevin Day (who doubles as a drummer) went out there at sunrise on a Sunday morning and walked into the desert with a camera and a guitar.”