Emmanuel Elone: Contrary to its title, “A Match Made in Heaven” has much more to do with hellish realities than heavenly utopias. Political dictators, thieves, murderers, liars and many more are called out on this track. The vocals match the angst of the heavy drums and fiery guitar riffs, as he says, “We found your fingerprints all over the trigger; if you’re looking for tyrants take a look in the mirror.” Architects aren’t mincing their words; they are pissed off at the current status quo in international relations, and their lyrics and throbbing hard rock instrumentation portray that frustration well. It’s great that the band tackles such necessary and important topical ideas in their music, and even better that Architects convey their message through such a great, heavy and heart-pounding song as well. [8/10]
Chris Ingalls: Musically, there’s plenty to chew on here, as gloomy synths wrap around chugging metal riffs — it makes Architects come off as a British version of Russian Circles. But when Sam Carter takes a sip of his Throat Coat and hits the mic, that’s when the band marks its territory. I like this for what it is — earnest metalcore with a conscience. Hell, even the screaming becomes somewhat catchy during the chorus — but it almost seems too calculated to really seem unique and groundbreaking. From a purely emotional headbanging standpoint,however — this rocks. [7/10]
Chad Miller: You’d think if you were going to scream the whole song that the message would be important which means enunciation would be nice. Oh well. Most of the song just seems to exist at the same place the whole time as you don’t really hear a clear high point until the last few seconds which is pretty much solely because of the music. Overall it’s not bad, but it’s not great either. [6/10]
Pryor Stroud: A pulse-quickening, death-metal rampage with a touch of emo’s melodrama, “A Match Made in Heaven” stomps, thrashes, and spits with the fist-clenching fury of a repressed office drone who, at any moment, could snap and go berserk. The choppy, industrialized guitar assault that runs throughout the track seems to harass Matt Johnson’s vocal, chasing it down and threatening to tear it to pieces. [5/10]
Architects new album All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us releases May 27th.
SCORE: 6.50