Chris Ingalls: British singer John Newman has crafted a harmless, fun summer single that is undoubtedly pop but eschews the normal dance music trappings for something slightly more exotic. A light, carefree reggae beat stomps its way through the song and is carried along with some tasty rhythm guitar and Newman’s raspy crooning. The song sounds like it should come with a fruity umbrella drink. [7/10]
Steve Horowitz: We’re going to party, fiesta, all night long — oh wait, this song just sounds like that Lionel Richie hit. That was a great tune. This one captures the pleasant vibe, but Newman seems pretty controlled for someone who sings about not being able to control himself. The tune would work well at a dance or a party because it would encourage people to stay somewhat calm while having fun. The video works as a travel brochure for Mexico, and who can resist the smile of a pretty girl? That said, both the song and video do not leave much of a lasting impression. [6/10]
Chad Miller: While I found the vocals to be kind of annoying, the melody was pretty good. The bridge on the other hand didn’t live up to the rest of the song, and the lyrics didn’t have much value either as most of the lines seemed pretty unoriginal. [6/10]
SCORE: 6.33