
Audrey Spillman – “Hot As Hell” (audio) (premiere)

It might not be the most effusive piece, but its slow release makes its heat that much more appealing.

Audrey Spillman‘s first single off her upcoming album Thornbird is titled “Hot As Hell”, which seems ironic on first listen — it’s a gently undulating piece, driven by quiet acoustic guitar, muffled and steady. However, pay closer attention and you’ll feel the piece’s warmth. Its metallic electric guitar solo rubs sparks into the air, its eerie synth cocoon emits a faint glow, its quick 8-bit flourishes inject low-threshold energy bursts. It might not be the most effusive piece, but its slow release makes its heat that much more appealing.

“Hot As Hell is a snapshot of that heartbreaking reality when you have something so sensual and passionate with someone only to have to say goodbye in the end,” says Stillman. “The heat from that memory sticks with you.”