This new Soul Jazz Records set is pure listening pleasure and a perfect jumping off point for listeners curious about popular music beyond Europe and North America.
These earliest recordings of the Bangles showcase their chops as a live group and an excellent grasp of songwriting and melody writing. It's a must-have for die-hards and those wishing to delve deeper into the group's discography.
Ensemble Signal makes a strong case for Reich’s continued relevance as well as the strength of his work in this masterful recording of two late-period Reich compositions.
Pre-Teen Symphonies offers a fascinating snapshot into the life of a song, from its most embryonic stages to the shape it takes post-release as a piece of a band's live act.
Seattle-based Tacocat return with their third album, Lost Time, a fun and memorable record full of great hooks and bright production that speaks to the experience of the uncertainty and listless of emerging adulthood.